Trans Visibility At All-Time High
World · Apr 6, 2023 ·

WORLD — Trans visibility is now at an all-time high, sources say. Experts believe this is largely due to all the bright pretty colors, the sounds of screaming and profanity, and loud gunshots.

"Yeah, they're, like, really visible now," said one janitor cleaning up spray paint, glitter, and blood after a recent protest. "Like, literally, in my face 7 days a week now. So visible. Congrats, guys! you did it!"

Experts also cite the multi-million dollar contracts awarded to the trans community to promote beer, whisky, yoga pants, and makeup, as well as every other product made by large corporations. "We're so happy to promote the visibility of this oppressed minority by giving them lots of money. We've even told our Chinese Uyghur slaves to pull extra shifts making sports bras for men!" said Nike CEO John Donahoe. "Please don't murder me or my family."

At publishing time, the trans community announced plans to demand even more visibility.

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